12 Jul 2018
12 July 2018
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) welcomes the continued bi-partisan commitment to maintaining a strong role for the Australian Government in shaping sustainable, liveable and productive cities for our future.
Chief Executive Officer Romilly Madew said that the City Deals program has provided a critical mechanism for intergovernmental collaboration recognising that all three levels of government must work together to achieve outcomes that genuinely benefit people in this complex policy sphere.
“City building is a long-term, high-stakes game, and its success will rely on successive governments’ commitments to invest, renew, continuously improve and track progress,” Ms Madew said.
“The GBCA welcomes the Opposition’s commitment announced last night to further strengthen the collaboration established through City Deals through a focus on partnerships and supporting measures.
“Ultimately, the performance of the City Deals done today will be judged in the years ahead by the communities we are building for generations to come.
“That is why we must continuously focus on how we are ensuring that funding for our cities and infrastructure help deliver the broadest and best outcomes for our local communities.
“Measuring and reporting on the success of government cities programs is important to ensure strategic outcomes are met.
“The commitment from both the Government and Opposition to invest in our cities, to measure outcomes and deliver value for money from our infrastructure investments is to be applauded.
“Of course there is always more to be done, which is why the GBCA is pleased to work closely across all levels of government, to support the best possible outcomes.
“We are particularly pleased to see the Opposition’s support for reinvigorating a National Urban Policy to set strategic directions and set performance indicators as well as re-establishing the Major Cities Unit within Infrastructure Australia, whose work has proved invaluable.
“Recognition of the enormous benefit that a closer collaboration not just between governments but also with communities and the private sector can deliver is extremely encouraging and consistent with what the GBCA has called for over many years.
“Our members are already delivering Australia’s most liveable, productive and sustainable communities, measuring their impact through certifying to Green Star - Communities . We are demonstrating in our own backyard to the world what is possible through best practice urban design achieved in collaboration with all levels of government.
“We look forward to continuing to champion great policy and meaningful partnerships that together will create the best cities.”