Have a question about our CPD program?

What is the difference between Green Star and Sustainable Development points?

Green Star points - points earned through any Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)-run course, event or Green Star project. GSA's and GSAP's must achieve a minimum number of Green Star points to maintain your CPD accreditation.

Sustainable development points - points earned through courses run by GBCA recognised training partners and demonstrate a continued learning in broader sustainability education.

I’m going on maternity/paternity leave. What can I do with my CPD enrolment while I’m on leave?

We offer up to a one year CPD extension for those on maternity/paternity leave. Please email education@gbca.org.au with planned dates of leave and documentation to confirm leave.

How do I allocate points for my Green Star certified project?

  1. Login to the GBCA website.
  2. Click dashboard.
  3. Click Green Star manager.
  4. Tick show certified/completed check box.
  5. Search for project by name or GSN number. Click view.
  6. Click Manage CPD points.
  7. Add points by searching for the email address of the project contact you want to allocate points for (project contacts must be GSA/GSAP at the time of project certification).

I am currently working on a Green Star Certified project that won't be completed this financial year, how do I apply for points?

  1. Create a GBCA account if you don't already have one.
  2. Email education@gbca.org.au with the Green Star number of the project you are working on and provide detail on your level of involvement in the project. 
  3. You will be allocated 1 CPD point per project per year to a maximum of 3 CPD points per year.
  4. If you are working on a project across multiple years, you will be required to apply for CPD points each year. 
  5. Applications cannot be backdated for project work previously completed, it must be for a project in the current financial year. 

Do CPD points roll over to the new financial year? 

No. CPD points will not roll over to the new financial year even if the you’ve exceeded the minimum required points.

Where can I download my GSAP/GSA certificate and logo package?

You may download your GSAP/GSA certificate and logo package from the ‘Downloads’ tab on the CPD Portal. 

To do this:

  1. login to the GBCA website
  2. click Dashboard
  3. click CPD portal
  4. click Downloads
  5. look for certificates under ‘Continuing professional development’.

Where can I find my certificate of attendance to a course/event?

Certificates of attendance can found from the ‘Downloads’ tab on the CPD Portal.

To do this:

  1. log on from the GBCA website
  2. click Dashboard
  3. click CPD portal
  4. click Downloads
  5. look for certificates under ‘Course and event certificates’ 

Is there a record of the courses/events I attended last financial year?

Yes. To view your list of activities:

  1. login to the GBCA website
  2. click Dashboard
  3. click Activity

Alternatively, you may like to see what activities you attended during a particular CPD period, and how many points were assigned to those activities:

  1. login to the GBCA website
  2. click Dashboard
  3. click CPD Portal
  4. scroll down to CPD Points History
  5. expand enrolment period
  6. view all CPD activities and associated points.

Can I claim CPD points from courses/events I attended last financial year?

No. If you were enrolled into the CPD program last financial year, CPD points from courses/events would have already contributed to your accreditation for that year.

I attended a course/event, so why are my points not appearing?

Check that the invoice has been paid. The point will automatically appear after payment is received. If not, please contact the education team.

Why is there a gap in my CPD enrolment?

A gap in CPD enrolment refers to discontinuous qualification displayed on your GSAP or GSA certificate. This certificate can be accessed on your CPD Learning Portal under ‘Downloads’.

A gap in CPD enrolment occurs when:

  • you fail to achieve the minimum required CPD points during the financial year. 
    • For example, you enrolled as a GSAP from 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2018 and haven’t achieved the minimum number of CPD points during the year. You will not be awarded GSAP qualification for that period. Thus, there will be a gap on the GSAP certificate from 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2018. 
  • you re-enrol after the end of CPD period (30 June). 
    • For example, you enrolled as a GSAP from 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2018 and have achieved minimum number of CPD points and wish to renew accreditation for FY 2018-19. You re-enrol on 5 September 2018. There will be gap on the GSAP certificate from 30 June 2018 – 5 September 2018.

Can I backdate my CPD enrolment to remove the gap?

We will backdate CPD enrolment dates in extenuating circumstances. Please contact the education team.