Building with Nature

Tonsley, SA. Renewal SA. 6 Star Green Star - Communities v1.1.

Our buildings and communities have direct and indirect impacts on habitat, ecosystems and water quality, but together we have the opportunity to support the renewal of nature in our cities.

A nature roadmap for the supply chain

The built environment plays a crucial role in supporting nature regeneration through development and its supply chain. In March 2024, we began this important conversation with the launch of our first Discussion paper: A Nature Roadmap for the Built Environment, found below. Now we have released the companion piece specifically for the supply chain.

Seeking industry input

We are calling on industry stakeholders to provide supply chain-focussed input on the Nature Roadmap. This document will guide environmental management and nature regeneration efforts across our supply chains. It’s an opportunity for industry to help shape how the built environment addresses nature in the future and influence legislation impacting supply chains.

To contribute, please read the discussion paper using the link below and complete a submission by 31 July 2024. Alternatively, written submissions can be sent here.

Download the paper Complete a submission
Sustainable specification of materials is an area in which the profession has the power and the responsibility to take action on reducing biodiversity loss associated with our projects.

Embodied Biodiversity Impacts of Construction Materials, 2023

Discussion paper: A nature roadmap for the built environment

The Nature roadmap discussion paper evaluates environmental risks and opportunities, explores innovative concepts for nature regeneration, and underscores the collaborative roles required for success. 

Consultation closed on 30 June 2024.

Download the paper Watch the webinar

More resources on nature 

Thought leadership
Released: Mar 2023

Building with nature 2.0

The second paper in our Building with Nature series, which consolidates the latest science and global trends and views from industry on the role of biodiversity and ecological value in the built environment.

Discussion paper
MAY 2018

Building with Nature

This report outlines the role of biodiversity and ecological value in the built environment.  It proposes significant changes that will be made to Green Star as part of the Green Star Future Focus review. 


A guide to help developers create green spaces in the built environment

This guide developed with Greener Spaces Better Places, explores 5 developments which use green space, then outlines the stories used to get various stakeholders across the line. 

Nature Principal Partner