24 Nov 2020
Green Building Council of Australia today welcomed the appointment of two new Directors to the GBCA Board, Nicole Lockwood and Josephine Sukkar.
Chair of the Board, Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz, said she is delighted to welcome Nicole and Josephine who will bring decades of experience to the Board.
“Nicole Lockwood has a strong background which spans across law, government and advisory,” Ms Lloyd-Hurwitz said.
“As the Deputy Chair of Infrastructure Western Australia and a former board member of Infrastructure Australia Ms Lockwood has a strong understanding of large-scale infrastructure planning and delivery and will help us to expand our influence in this space.
“Josephine Sukkar is the Principal of Australian construction company Buildcorp, which she established with her husband over 30 years ago. Her training as a research scientist, coupled with deep experience in construction and governance will bring rounded experience to the board.”
Ms Lloyd-Hurwitz thanked the outgoing Board members Rod Fehring and John Flecker who have both made outstanding contributions to GBCA, helping to deliver the biggest overhaul of Green Star through the release of Green Star Buildings which will lead the shift to net zero buildings across Australia.
“Rod Fehring and John Flecker have been instrumental in the development of Green Star Buildings which looks beyond the environment to human health, resilience, people and place. They have also played significant roles in helping to drive the strategy for Green Star Homes which we look forward to releasing to the market early next year.” Ms Lloyd-Hurwitz said.
With a background in law and regional economic development, Nicole works with Government and the private sector to develop long-term infrastructure plans to secure the future prosperity and livability of our cities and regions.
Nicole is the Deputy Chair of Infrastructure WA, and the Independent Chair of the Westport Taskforce charged with planning the infrastructure to drive the freight future of Western Australia's South West for the next 50 years and beyond.
She is also the Chair of the Freight and Logistics Council and a Board member of the Water Corporation. Nicole chairs MNG and the Sienna Wood Joint Venture.
Josephine is a professional company director who works across a range of industries, including property, construction, finance, sport, the arts, medical research and social services. She is Co-Owner and Principal of Buildcorp and serves on a number of private, public, government and not-for-profit boards, including Growthpoint Properties Australia, The Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company Limited, Opera Australia, Centenary Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne University Infrastructure Advisory Board, the Australian Museum Trust, the Property Council of Australia and the Buildcorp Foundation.
She is President of Australian Women’s Rugby and through Buildcorp has been a major sponsor of rugby in Australia for nearly 30 years.
Josephine is a Fellow of the University of Sydney, and in 2017 she was recognised for her services to the community, the arts and sports in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list.