In March 2018, Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) embarked on an ambitious journey to reshape the Green Star rating system and bring you the next evolution of the tools.
Green Star Future Focus will see the rating system evolve and adapt to ensure the sustainable built environment delivers what it needs to, whilst also responding to global megatrends and emerging challenges. Currently, five rating tools will be delivered to realise this vision.
Green Star Buildings v1.1: Currently in development.
Green Star Fitouts: Currently in development.
Green Star Communities: Detailed consultation closed. Next version of the rating tool due for release in early 2025.
Green Star Performance: Submission guidelines released September 2022. Online system launch and formal registrations opened August 2024.
Green Star Homes: Released August 2021
We thank the following organisations for their leadership and their support of our activities in this space.
We are seeking like-minded organisations to partner with us for the next three years on this exciting evolution. In return, your organisation will be showcased as a leader both locally and internationally. Your organisation will receive exclusive briefings, putting you ahead of the competition, as well as unprecedented exposure over the next three years across our communications, events, courses, webinars and podcasts.
Becoming a Future Focus Partner is your opportunity to associate your brand with Green Star, one of the world’s leading rating tools, long established as a driving force in the transformation of the built environment.
Green Star Future Focus offers an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the innovation and leadership that has helped drive our industry’s success to date.
If you are interested in discussing the benefits of your organisation’s involvement in Green Star Future Focus in more detail, please contact Zeina Iesa, Partnerships Manager
The following documents were released in 2018 to commence the Future Focus journey. These papers are now outdated and we are no longer seeking feedback.
Green Star Future Focus - Executive Summary
Green Star Future Focus - Executive Summary response survey
Green Star Future Focus - Discussion paper
Green Star Future Focus - Summary for Product Manufacturers
For more information on our Future Focus program or if you would like to work with us contact us.
Contact us