20 Aug 2021
The latest IPCC report released on Monday 9 August highlights the sense of urgency of the work that our sector is doing to lead the sustainable transformation of the built environment. Our CEO, Davina Rooney, joined RN Breakfast last week to discuss the report and how greening our cities can help manage rising temperatures.
Listen to the interviewNew research from GBCA and thinkstep-anz provides an important evidence base for the current state of embodied carbon and embodied energy in Australia’s buildings. A net-zero carbon future requires a focus on embodied carbon, and leveraging opportunities through building design, material choice and product innovation is crucial because emissions are saved before a building is occupied.
Embodied Carbon & Embodied Energy in Australia's Buildings shows that without action, the significance of embodied carbon will grow from its current 16% of emissions of Australia’s total building stock, to 85% in 2050. Both suppliers and customers, as well as governments have important roles to play. Making Australia a leader in low emissions products will also help to future-proof energy-intensive industries locally, helping to maintain their global competitiveness in a low-carbon world.
Read the full report Read the media releaseASBEC has released a snapshot of the national and international rating tools, standards and benchmarks relating to sustainability in the built environment. The document aims to help policy makers and stakeholders navigate the interactions and alignments between the available ratings tools and frameworks including GBCA’s Green Star, NABERS and more. The Ratings Snapshot was developed in consultation with representatives from featured standards and rating organisations including GBCA.
Access the Rating SnapshotWe recently provided comment to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities inquiry into procurement practices for government-funded infrastructure.
The need for best practice decision making, that maximises the economic and social impact of infrastructure procurement, has never been greater. GBCA believes that government leaders, armed with the mandate to act decisively, should be ambitious in their vision and embrace best practice approaches to infrastructure decision making. We cannot afford to allow projects which do not deliver on sustainability and resilience objectives to lock in poor performance for generations to come.
Read our submissionIn August we met with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to discuss our feedback on the draft Built Environment system Climate Change Adaption Action Plan 2022-2026.
We also provided comment on Victoria's Gas Substitution Roadmap. GBCA supports the development of a roadmap to guide Victoria’s transition away from fossil fuels and towards a net zero economy in line with its Climate Change Framework and the goal of a net zero emissions Victoria by 2050. We recommended a number of strategies including to:
This month we welcome a new member to the GBCA advocacy team, Sophie Byrne, who has joined as our Policy Manager. Sophie will continue the work of Tim Wheeler who has moved full time to the Property Council of Australia as A/g National Policy Manager – Sustainability on a maternity leave cover, until April 2022. Thank you to Tim for your huge contribution to GBCA. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact the advocacy team with any questions at Sandra.qian@gbca.org.au and Sophie.byrne@gbca.org.au.
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