19 Oct 2016
The GBCA wants your feedback on proposed changes to our rating tools; Green Star − Design & As Built and Green Star − Interiors. These rating tools are scheduled for an update to version 1.2 in the first quarter of next year.
A Discussion Paper outlining all proposed updates will be released for public consultation in November, with an information webinar also set to take place once the paper is released.
For further information about the consultation process, please contact Nicole Sullivan (nicole.sullivan@gbca.org.au).
Are you aiming to achieve Green Star certification for your project in 2016? Want to plan ahead for the rest of the financial year? Lock these dates in your diary.
Deadlines are approaching, so don't miss out on getting certified this year!
For more information, please visit here.
The new NCCARF CoastAdapt climate change adaptation planning tool was recently released, with lots of great information to guide adaptation decision making. Check it out here: https://coastadapt.com.au