10 Jul 2017
We’ve listened to your feedback about our professional development program and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated our CPD points allocation policy to recognise team efforts.
After all, Green Star projects don’t come to life without input from the talented and passionate individuals working across the board.
From 1 July 2017, everyone who is working on a Green Star project will receive CPD points.
How will you qualify?
· Each team member who has worked more than 50 hours on the project will gain 1 Green Star CPD point
· The main GBCA contact will receive 2 Green Star CPD points.
· Design & Built projects will be awarded at both the design review and certification stages
· Performance projects are awarded at initial certification, not at year 1 and year 2 submissions.
Are you the project coordinator on a Green Star project? The responsibility lies in your hands to submit a list of those who have worked more than 50 hours on the project to make sure the right points are allocated to the right team members. The best part is that this can all be done through the CPD portal.
Stepping off the worksite and into learning, we’ll now be offering 6 Green Star CPD points if you attend Green Building Day in any city across Australia – that’s 1 CPD point per hour!
Green Cities will attract:
· Day 1: 6 Sustainable development points
· Day 2: 3 Sustainable development points
· Green Cities Masterclasses: 3 Green Star points
Member evenings will also gain 1 Green Star CPD point.
Please see the updated CPD policy for more details.