"It’s kind of the same as having your own battery on site but for $11 per month we get to have the benefit without the cost."



Many sustainability initiatives helped Alkimos Beach win its coveted 6 Star Green Star rating – and the Australian-first community energy storage trail now underway is among the most exciting.

In a program funded part funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, led by with Western Australian energy provider, Synergy and in partnership with Lendlease and LandCorp, more than 50 homes across the community are now connected virtually to an innovative 1.1MWh solar energy storage system.

“It’s kind of the same as having your own battery on site but for $11 per month we get to have the benefit without the cost,” says resident Mike Gjestland.

In addition to reducing peak demand locally, the trial is providing valuable insight into how renewable generation and energy storage can be integrated with traditional network infrastructure.

Households participating in the trial are not the only ones to benefit from energy initiatives at Alkimos Beach. Solar panels and gas-boosted solar hot water systems are mandatory for all homes, while the capital cost to residents of energy-efficient appliances is offset by a range of financial incentive packages of up to $6,000.

Together, these initiatives are expected to reduce home energy bills by up to 50 per cent.