Multiple Building Single Rating (MBSR)

1 William Street, QLD. Cbus Property. 6 Star Green Star - Office As Built v3.

What is the Multiple Building Single Rating approach?

The Multi Building Single Rating (MBSR) approach refers to the process of certifying multiple buildings under one single certification.

The Green Star Buildings and Design & As Built rating tools and associated Green Star trade marks have been developed to apply to single buildings, and the certification must communicate a clear and accurate assessment of a building.

The MBSR approach is a by exception approach, and project teams wishing to use this approach MUST seek approval through an Eligibility Query before registering the project. The query MUST respond to all criteria and provide supporting evidence. This process is to protect the integrity of the certification, how the trade mark is communicated, and ensure the assessment and certification is robust and in line with current processes.

We reserve the right to cancel project registrations where an MBSR approach has been used without prior approval, or where the project is not being delivered in line with the approved approach, after it has been registered.

An alternative option is to use the Site-wide credits approach. This approach offers more flexibility, and each project still achieves it’s own Green Star rating.

Eligibility criteria

Project teams wishing to certify using the MBSR approach should meet the following criteria and address them in their eligibility request.

Please note that the eligibility criteria for the use of MBSR was updated by GBCA on 11/07/2024. Projects not yet registered from this date onwards are subject to the updated criteria. (Registration includes online execution of the Certification Agreement and payment of the certification fee invoice).

There are five mandatory criteria that must be met for projects to be considered for an MBSR approach.

1. The buildings are to be owned as a package and must be bought and sold together.

If the buildings are sold separately the Certified Rating ceases to be an accurate representation of the original certification. If at any time we are made aware that the buildings are, or will be, sold separately, we reserve the right to cancel the registration or certification.

2. A commitment needs to have been made to deliver the buildings at the same time and under the same contract.

If changes to the timeframe or staging of any of the buildings mean that they will be unable to be delivered together, the decision may be made that the MBSR approach is void and the buildings will need to be registered independently for separate certifications.

3. The buildings should sit near each other, with minimal chance of a building being constructed between them.

This is to ensure the boundaries of the certification remain clearly defined and reduces the risk of buildings not included in the original certification being perceived as being Green Star certified later on.

4. The buildings should have the same use.

Use of each building should be the same. This means the activity occurring within the buildings are the same, such as all industrial warehousing, or all residential use. The consistency in use is required to minimise potential differences in impact across the buildings and to ensure the final Certified Rating is representative of the sustainability attributes of all the buildings.

5. The buildings should have the same design.

The designs should be the same. This means the buildings have the same height, massing and materiality. This is to ensure the final rating is an accurate representation of each building.

Rating Tools

This approach is applicable for projects registering under the below rating tools:

If your project does not meet the above criteria and you are wishing to streamline the certification approach for multiple projects, please contact the Market Engagement team to discuss Volume Certification or a Site Wide approach.

Please note that the MBSR approach is different from Portfolio Certification, Volume Certification, and Site Wide Credits. 

Important notes

For some credits, individual modelling, calculators, etc. are still required for each building within the MBSR approach. The MBSR result will be based on the worst case result for those credits (not an aggregate or average). 

MBSR requires workshopping with GBCA to determine which credits can have a MBSR approach, and which cannot. This can take several months and must be done well in advance of submission. GBCA will also provide guidance on how to submit for the MBSR assessment (this may require several submissions for one credit). 

One single certification is provided covering all buildings. This cannot be split per building at a later stage.

How to apply

Project teams considering using the MBSR approach should first review the Eligibility Criteria above. 

Then, submit an Eligibility query for approval to use the MBSR. Ensure all Eligibility Criteria above is addressed within the query, and any supporting documentation is provided. 

Once a project is approved as eligible for MBSR, the project will then be provided guidance on next steps including workshops on credits and guidance on the submission process. 

If you would like to discuss the suitability of MBSR for your project, please contact GBCA's Market Engagement Team via the button below.

Email the team