Media Release

Tips for your media release

Tell your audience about your achievement:

What is the project name? Which city is it in? What Green Star rating did it receive? Which rating tool was used?

Is there a unique point of difference about your project?

Is it the first project of its kind to achieve this rating? Does it have a unique selling point? What stands out about the project? 

Tell your audience what your rating represents for you as an organisation:

Does your rating represent ’world leadership', 'Australian excellence' or 'best practice' in sustainable building practice? What was your company's commitment when you embarked on this project? Did you exceed that commitment?

Did you collaborate with any other organisation?

Who else was involved? What was their role? How did your partnership demonstrate leadership in this space?

Include a quote from your CEO or project leader:

For example: “We are thrilled to have taken this project to a world leadership 6 Star Green Star rating, which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to our sustainability strategy. Our team have gone above and beyond to deliver this project....," said our CEO.

Request a quote from our CEO or Executive leadership team for inclusion:

We are extremely proud of each and every one of our certified Green Star projects. If you would like our support via the inclusion of a quote from a senior member of our team please email: with the draft copy of your media release for review. Please allow a minimum of 3 working days for us to provide feedback.