Our most popular course types


Our webinars offer insights into the latest industry developments, Green Star updates, social sustainability and more. They will earn you Green Star CPD points* and may be claimable as official CPD points by other institutes and affiliations.  

You can watch these webinars: 

*Webinars award either 1 or 2 Green Star CPD points depending on their length.

**Not all live webinars are available as on-demand courses. 


For those wanting to dive deeper into a topic, our masterclasses bring together a range of industry experts, case studies, practical insights and learnings. Run online over a 4-hour session, their attendance is capped, and include breakout rooms and ample opportunities for questions and interaction.  

Topics included: 

  • Embodied carbon 
  • Waste management 
  • Electrification 
  • Resilience 
  • Nature and biodiversity  

See our upcoming masterclasses here

Masterclasses award 4 Green Star CPD Points. They are not available in our demand library due to the small group work and interactive nature of the session.